A Stanza of Dice

Move dice into rows to compete against an unseen opponent. Get higher on 2/3 rows to win, but don't leave any rows unfilled or they'll overflow into other rows.

Inspired by watching Retromation play Lonestar and playing Dicey Dungeons. I've never tried making a dice placement game and I thought Lonestar's multiple lanes were pretty interesting. I paper prototyped with a handful of dice and tried different amounts of rows and opponent dice patterns before implementing anything.

I'd like to add new kinds of dice and ways to modify them or impair your opponent.

Drop Walker

Walk around a world and drop down to lower worlds to find a treat. Place boards to cross over holes, but you can't pick them up! You only have 3 planks.

Inspired by this tweet from PapilloteContet. I imagined game mechanics from their puzzle and built that game. I think it's close but a bit different to what they had in mind.

I think it'd be interesting to add a jump pad that bounces you up a level when you walk over it. Moving back up could make for more interesting puzzles, but there's not a lot of space on my boards. I found level creation challenging because I'm using one TileMap per floor and editing them directly to create levels. Levels must never have a hole above a boundary tile since I don't resolve landing on a blocked tile, so my tools are lacking a lot of tooling that is necessary to make level authoring more fun.


These are my entries for Eggplant50. I also set up the framework that ties all the games together.

We use an input mapping modeled after pico-8:

  • primary action: Z,C,N,Space keys or A,Y buttons
  • secondary action: X,V,M keys or X,B buttons
  • pause: Enter,p keys or Start,Select buttons

In desktop builds, press Alt-Enter to toggle fullscreen.

Additional Credits

Song: Phobos - Retro Gaming Version. Music provided and produced by LonePeakMusic. YouTube Channel

Abstract Platformer by Kenney Vleugels (Kenney.nl)

breakdown by adamatomic

clock by 7soul1

Platformer player movement logic based on Movement 2. Copyright 2023 TheoTheTorch distributed under the MIT license.

Song: Quiet Rain - No Background Noise. Music provided and produced by LonePeakMusicYouTube Channel.

Sound Badge Coin Win by steaq
Sound j1game_over_mono - jivatma07

Animal Pack Redux and Isometric Space Interior art by Kenney Vleugels (Kenney.nl).


eggplant50-mac.zip 179 MB
Version v1.0.6191c2f Mar 16, 2024
eggplant50-win.zip 130 MB
Version v1.0.6191c2f Mar 16, 2024

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